Helwig, N. The EU High Representative: Foreign Policy Leadership in a Changing World. Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
Borrell Fontelles, J. Europe between two wars. EU foreign policy in 2023. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union, 2024.
Amadio Viceré, M. G., Tercovich, G and Carta, C. (Eds.) Special issue: Assessing The Post-Lisbon High Representatives: From Treaty Provisions to Europe’s Multiple Crises, European Security, 29(3), 2020.
Bicchi, F. and Bremberg, N. (Eds.) European Diplomacy in Practice: Interrogating Power, Agency and Change. Houndsmill, Routledge, 2019.
Deiana, M-A., Komarova, M. & McCall, C. Special issue: Cross-Border Cooperation as Conflict Transformation: Promises and Limitations in EU Peacebuilding. Geopolitics 24(3): 529-775, 2019.
Raube, K., et al. Parliamentary Cooperation and Diplomacy in EU External Relations, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
Bicchi, F., et al. Special issue: European Diplomatic Cooperation Outside EU Borders. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 13(1), 2018.
Viceré, M. G. A. The high representative and EU foreign policy integration: A comparative study of Kosovo and Ukraine, Springer, 2018.
EU Links
The official site of the European External Action Service, providing up-to-date foreign policy news as well as links to the various policy areas in which the EEAS works.
Organigram showing the structure and hierarchy of the civil servants and diplomats making up the EEAS.
EEAS - High Representative / Vice-President
Information on the role, the history of the position and the appointment procedure. The webpage also includes information about former High Representatives.
Other Links
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy
The The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is a research journal for the study of diplomacy and its role in contemporary international relations.