This section provides a list of publications related to European foreign policy by scholars of the Leuven International and European Studies Institute (LINES):
Maurer, H., Raube, K., & Whitman, R. G. (Eds.) (2024). Special Issue: “Zeitenwende” as coming of age? EU foreign & security policy through war & peace. European Security, 33(3).
Petri, F. (2025). EU Support for International Institutions: On the Rise or in Decline? ENSURED Research Report, 3, 1–34.
Visart, L., & Raube, K. (2024). Between contestation and compromise? An evolutionary analysis of eurosceptic MEPs in the EP's INTA committee. Journal of European Integration, 46(4), 455-475.
Petri, F. (2024). EU Support for International Institutions: On the Rise or in Decline?, ENSURED Research Report, Number 3.
Lecocq S., & Keukeleire, S. (2023). ‘Critical and Problem-Solving Perspectives on Decentring EU External Action Studies’, Journal of Contemporary European Research, 19(2), 163-180.
Keukeleire, S., & Yang, H. ‘Global Europe: A Pivot to Asia?’ (2023), in C. Hill et al. (Eds.), International Relations and the European Union, 400-422, Oxford University Press.
Nshimbi, C., Develtere, P., Debela Kebede, B. (2023). Rethinking African-European Scientific Cooperation: The Case of the Platform for African-European Studies. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 19 (2), 262-279.
Andrione-Moylan, A., De Wilde, P., & Raube, K. (2023). Varieties of EU trade politicisation in EU public debates. Global Policy.
Raube, K., Egan, M., Wouters, J., & Chaisse, J. (Eds.) (2023). Contestation and Polarization in Global Governance: European Responses. Edward Elgar.
Biedenkopf, K., & Delreux, T. (2023). European Integration, the Environment and Climate Change. In: M. Segers, S. Van Hecke (Eds.), The Cambridge History of the European Union. Volume 1: European Integration Outside-In, Cambridge University Press, pp. 418-441.
Biedenkopf, K., Vanderschueren, E., & Petri, F. (2023). ‘Riding the Green Wave? Green Electoral Success and the European Green Deal’. In: O. Costa, S. Van Hecke (Eds.), The EU Political System After the 2019 European Elections, Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 361-380.
Andrione-Moylan, A., de Wilde, P., & Raube, K. (2023). ‘(De-)politicization Discourse Strategies: The Case of Trade’. Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(1).
Lecocq, S. (2023). European Foreign Policy Towards Hybrid Actors in the Middle East and North Africa: An Exploration of Diplomatic Practices. Geopolitics.
Earsom, J., & Delreux, T. (2023). One Big Conversation: The EU's Climate Diplomacy across the International Regime Complex on the Paris Agreement Negotiations. Journal Of Common Market Studies, 61(1), 198 - 214.
Raube, K. (2023). The EU as a Global Trade Power. The Cambridge History of the European Union. Volume 1: European Integration Outside-In, 284-307, Cambridge University Press.
Drieskens, E. (2023). European Integration and the United Nations. The Cambridge History of the European Union. Volume 1: European Integration Outside-In, 345-365,Cambridge University Press.
Langendonk, S. & Drieskens, E. (2023). The EU’s Embrace of Geopolitics: Insights from the EU-China Relationship. The EU Political System After the 2019 European Elections, 479-499, Palgrave Macmillan.
Biedenkopf, K., Dupont, C., Torney, D. (2023). The European Union: A Great Green Power? Great Powers, Climate Change and Global Environmental Responsibilities, 95-115, Oxford University Press.
Petri, F., Biedenkopf, K., & Zapletalová, V. (2023). The European Parliament: a strong internal actor with external ambitions. Handbook on European Union Climate Change Policy and Politics, 53-67, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Biedenkopf, K., & Petri, F. (2023). A Trump effect on European Union climate ambitions? The European Council and Council of the EU’s responses to US climate contestation. Contestation and Polarization in Global Governance: European Responses, 213-228, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Keukeleire S., & Delreux, T. (2022). The Foreign Policy of the European Union, Bloomsbury Academic, 3th ed.
Keukeleire, S., & Lecocq, S. (2021). Decentring European Foreign Policy Analysis, in S. Gstöhl, & S. Schunz (Eds.), The External Action of the European Union: Concepts, Approaches, Theories. Palgrave Macmillan.
Ogawa, E., Raube, K., Vanoverbeke, D., Wouters, J., & Van der Vorst, C. (Eds.) (2021). Japan, the European Union and Global Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Petri, F., & Biedenkopf, K. (2021). Weathering growing polarization? The European Parliament and EU foreign climate policy ambitions. Journal of European Public Policy.
Drieskens, E. (2021). Actorness and the study of the EU's external action, in S. Gstöhl, & S. Schunz (Eds.), The External Action of the European Union: Concepts, Approaches, Theories. Palgrave Macmillan.
Raube, K., & Costa Reis, F. (2021). The EU’s Crisis Response regarding the Democratic and Rule of Law Crisis, in M. Riddervold, J. Trondal, A. Newsome (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook on EU Crises, 627-646. Palgrave Macmillan.
Khakee, A., & Weilandt, R. (2021). Supporting democratic participation beyond democracy promotion? EU Relations with Moroccan and Tunisian civil society in the areas of trade and anti-corruption. Mediterranean Politics.
Wouters, J., & Ovádek, M. (2021). The European Union and Human Rights: Analysis, Cases, and Materials. Oxford University Press.
Biedenkopf, K., & Petri, F. (2021). The European External Action Service and EU Climate Diplomacy: Coordinator and Supporter in Brussels and Beyond, European Foreign Affairs Review, 26(1), 71-86.
Hooijmaaijers, B. (2021). Unpacking EU Policy-Making towards China. How Member States, Bureaucracies, and Institutions Shape its China Economic Policy. Palgrave Macmillan.
Wouters, J., Hoffmeister, F., De Baere, G., & Ramopoulos, T. (2021). The Law of EU External Relations: Cases, Materials, and Commentary on the EU as an International Legal Actor. Oxford University Press.
Weilandt, R. (2021). EU democracy projection in Tunisia: The case of civil society consultations. Mediterranean Politics.
Franziska P., & Biedenkopf, K. (2021). “United we stand, divided we fall”. The effects of US contestation on EU foreign climate policy ambition, Global Affairs, 6(4-5), 381-397.
Keukeleire, S., Lecocq, S., & Volpi, F. (2020). Decentring Norms in EU Relations with the Southern Neighbourhood, Journal of Common Market Studies.
Cambien, N., Kochenov, D., & Muir, E. (Eds.). (2020). European Citizenship under Stress: Social Justice, Brexit and Other Challenges, Brill | Nijhoff.
Wouters, J., Nowak, M., Chané, A., & Hachez, N. (2020). The European Union and Human Rights: Law and Policy,Oxford University Press.
Lebzelter, T., & Marx, A. (2020). Is EU GSP plus Fostering Good Governance? Results from a New GSP plus Compliance Index. Journal of World Trade, 54 (1), 1-30.
Verhelst, A., & Wouters, J. (2020). Filling Global Governance Gaps in Cybersecurity: International and European Legal Perspectives. International Organisations Research Journal.
Keukeleire, S., & Hooijmaaijers, B. (2020). The BRICS Countries and the European Union. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press.
De Baere, G. (2020). EU external action. In: C. Barnard, S. Peers (Eds.), European Union Law, Oxford University Press.
Kersschot, M., Kerremans, B., & De Bièvre, D. (2020). Principals and transceivers: regional authorities in EU trade negotiations. Political Research Exchange, 2 (1), 1-20.
Suami, T., Peters, A., Kumm, M., & Vanoverbeke, D. (Eds.) (2020). Global Constitutionalism from European and East Asian Perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
Biedenkopf, K. (2020). EU Chemicals Regulation: A Systematic Approach to Tackling Complexity. In A. Orsini and E. Kavvatha (Eds.), EU Environmental Governance. Current and Future Challenges, Routledge.
Raube, K., Müftüler-Bac, M. & Wouters, J. (Eds) (2019). Parliamentary Cooperation and Diplomacy in EU External Relations: An Essential Companion, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Goddeeris, I., & Babalova, N. (2019). Towards Stronger Political Ties? The EU's Shifting Image in the Indian Media During the EU-India Summit of October 2017, in: R.K. Jain (Eds.), Changing Indian Images of the European Union. Perception and Misperception, 113-137. Palgrave Macmillan.
Hooijmaaijers, B. (2019). Blackening skies for Chinese investment in the EU?, Journal of Chinese Political Science, 24(3), 451-470.
Biedenkopf, K., & F. Petri. (2019). EU Delegations in European Union Climate Diplomacy: The Role of Links to Brussels, Individuals and Country Contexts. Journal of European Integration, 41(1).
Vanoverbeke, D., Suami, T., Ueta, T., Peeters, N., & Ponjaert, F. (Eds.) (2019). Developing EU–Japan Relations in a Changing Regional Context: A Focus on Security, Law and Policies (1st ed.), Routledge.
Wouters J., & Raube K. (2019). Rebels With a Cause? Parliaments and EU Trade Policy after the Treaty of Lisbon. In: The Democratization of EU International Relations Through EU Law, Chapt. 10, Routledge.
Boogaerts, A. & Drieskens, E. (2018). Lessons from the MENA region: A configurational explanation of the (in)effectiveness of UN Security Council sanctions between 1991 and 2014, Mediterranean Politics, 25(1), 71-95.
Ayvazyan, A. & Petrova, I. (2018). Perceptions of the EU’s Power in the Eastern Partnership Region: The Case of Armenia, European Foreign Affairs Review, 23(1), 61-78.
Pasture, P. (2018). The EC/EU between the Art of Forgetting and the Palimpsest of Empire, European Review, 26(3), 545–581.
Fonck, D. (2018). Parliamentary Diplomacy and Legislative‐Executive Relations in EU Foreign Policy: Studying the European Parliament's Mediation of the Macedonian Political Crisis (2015–17), Journal of Common Market Studies, 56(6),1305–1322.
Pasture, P. (2018). The invention of European human rights. History,103(356), 485-504.
Raube, K., & Tonra, B. (2018). From internal-input to external-output: a multi-tieredunderstanding of legitimacy in EU foreign policy. Global Affairs, 4(2-3), 241-251.
Vanoverbeke, D., Suami, T., Ueta, T., Peeters, N., & Ponjaert, F. (Eds.) (2018). Developing EU-Japan Relations in a Changing Regional Context: A Focus on Security, Law and Policies. Routledge.
Raube, K., & Burnay, M. (2018). Coherence, strategy and legitimacy – variations of a theme in the case of EU–China relations. Global Affairs, 4(2-3), 291-304.
Ayvazyan, A., & Petrova, I. (2018). Perceptions of the EU’s Power in the Eastern Partnership Region: The Case of Armenia, European Foreign Affairs Review, 23(1), 61-78.
Raube, K., & Wouters, J. (2018). Between Aspirations and Realities - Interparliamentary Cooperation in the EU's Common Foreign, Security and Defence Policies. Politique Européenne, 59(1), 170–193.
Hooijmaaijers, B. (2018). China’s rise in Africa and the response of the EU: a theoretical analysis of the EU-China-Africa trilateral cooperation policy initiative, Journal of European Integration, Journal of European Integration, 40(4), 443-460.
Keukeleire, S., & Lecocq, S. (2018). Operationalising the decentring agenda: Analysing European foreign policy in a non-European and post-western world, Cooperation and Conflict, 53(2), 277-295.
Boogaerts, A. (2018). An effective sanctioning actor? Merging effectiveness and EU actorness criteria to explain evolutions in (in)effective coercion towards Iran, European Security, 27(2), 138-157.
Rosén, G., & Raube, K. (2018). Influence beyond formal powers: The parliamentarisation of European Union security policy, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 20(1), 69-83.
Adelle, C., Biedenkopf, K. & Torney, D. (2018). European Union external environmental policy: rules, regulation and governance beyond borders, Palgrave Macmillan.
Delreux, T. & Keukeleire, S. (2017). Informal division of labour in EU foreign policy-making, Journal of European Public Policy, 24(10), 1471-1490.
Verpoest, L. (2017). The End of Rhetorics. LGBT Policies in Russia and the European Union. Studia Diplomatica, 4, 3-19.
Smith, M., Keukeleire, S., & Vanhoonacker, S. (Eds.) (2015). The diplomatic system of the European Union: Evolution, change and challenges. Routledge.
Wouters, J., Goddeeris, I., Natens, B., & Ciortuz, F. (2014). Some Critical Issues in EU-India Free Trade Agreement Negotiations. European Law Journal, 20(6), 848-869.