Biermann, F. The Battle for Authority in European Defence Cooperation. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
Hoijtink, M., Mühlenhoff, H. L., & Welfens, N. (Eds.) Special Issue: Whose (In)Security? Gender, Race and Coloniality in European Security Policies, European Security, 32(3), 2023.
Nemeth, B. How to Achieve Defence Cooperation in Europe?: The Subregional Approach. Bristol University Press, 2022.
Schmidt, J. The European Union and the Use of Force. Brill, 2020.
Calcara, A., Csernatoni, R., & Lavallée, C. (Eds.). Emerging Security Technologies and EU Governance: Actors, Practices and Processes. Routledge, 2020.
Fiott, D. The CSDP in 2020: The EU's legacy and ambition in security and defence. ISS, 2020.
Zyla, B. The EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and NATO After Brexit. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Fahron-Hussey, C. Military Crisis Management Operations by NATO and the EU: The Decision-Making Process, Springer Nature, 2019.
EU Links
EEAS - Common Security and Defence Policy
Information, links and documents relating to the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), provided by the EEAS.
EEAS - European Peace Facility
EEAS website informing about the EPF, through which the EU funds the common costs of military Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions and operations.
Overview of the historical development and current scope of the European Union's military capabilities.
EEAS - Ongoing Missions and Operations
On this page the EEAS provides an overview of ongoing, future and completed ESDP operations, both military and civilian.
Other Links
The Adelphi Series are published by the International Institute for Strategic Studies, providing rigorous analysis of contemporary strategic and defence topics.
Armed Conflict Database (IISS)
The Armed Conflict Database (ACD) is an online resource that monitors armed conflicts worldwide, focusing on political, military and humanitarian trends in current conflicts, whether they are local rebellions, long-term insurgencies, civil wars or inter-state conflicts.
CSDP Map - Mission Analysis Partnership
Very complete site focussing on all issues relating to the CSDP. There is an overview of all the EU CSDP missions and of all the countries where the EU is active, as well as the EU structure and actors in the field of CSDP. Information is also available on more thematic issues such as human rights, piracy, EU-NATO, crisis management, etc.