High-level lecture on the Transatlantic Community. Among its speakers, you will be able to get insights from the world re-known Prof. Dr. Pippa Norris from Harvard Univerisity; Prof. Dr. Peter Lievens from KU Leuven; Prof. Dr. Leen d’Haenens, ChairThe America Europe Fund; H.E. Dirk Wouters, former Ambassador of Belgium to the US and the EU, Co-Chair; Prof. Dr. Stephan Keukeleire from KU Leuven; Mr. Nicolas Berliner, Chargé d’Affaires, US Embassy in Belgium and Prof. Dr. Leen d’Haenens. More so, there will be a networking reception at the end of the event.
If you are interested in this timely and high-level lecture, be at the Promotiezaal of the Universiteitshal (Naamsestraat 22, Leuven) on the 1st of December at 17:00 (15 minutes before it starts). Covid Safe Ticket and ID is needed to enter the hall. Wearing a facemask is mandatory. The lecture will also be streamed live.
Registration for attending the lecture in the Promotiezaal as well as for watching the streaming is required via this link.