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Journalistic Testimonials: Why America is Not Europe, and Ever Less So

  • VRT Radiohuis (next to the City Hall) - Boekhandelstraat 2 - 3000 Leuven (2nd floor) Leuven Belgium (map)

While they share strong historical, economic, and cultural roots, the United States of America and Europe represent different societies that are in constant evolution. This evening debate brings together four prominent Belgian journalists who have been professionally and passionately reporting and commenting on American and European news for many years. Led by KU Leuven’s American Politics Professor Bart Kerremans, they will engage, in interaction with students, in a discussion why America is not Europe, and ever less so. They will focus on approaches to power, force, sovereignty, and the role of government in society.

Doors open : 18.30

Welcoming Words (19.00 - 19.05)
Ambassador Dirk Wouters, former Ambassador of Belgium to the United States of America, Co-Chair America Europe Fund, KU Leuven

Panel Discussion (19.05 - 20.30)

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Bart Kerremans, Professor on American Politics and Chair of the America Europe Fund, KU Leuven
Rik Van Cauwelaert, Political Analyst, Financieel Economische TijdGreet De Keyser, Journalist for VTM, based in Washington DCBert De Vroey, Journalist for VRTSteven De Foer, Journalist for De Standaard
Questions and Answers (20.30 - 21.00)

Reception and Music (21.00 - 22.00)