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Transatlantic Lecture Series: "US-EU Cooperation on Climate Change and The Environment”

Lecture with prof. Jos Delbeke (KU Leuven – EUI) and prof. Nathan e. Hultman (Center for Global Sustainability, University of Maryland), moderator: prof. Katja Biedenkopf.

About the lecture: Achieving climate neutrality continues to be one of the most demanding global challenges – and is one area on which reinvigorated political momentum under the new U.S. Administration can be hoped for. But while the EU and the U.S. aim to achieve the same goals set out by the Paris Agreement, they are likely to take different policy approaches. Assessing the prospects of leadership for climate neutrality on both sides of the Atlantic, Prof. Jos Delbeke, former Director-General of DG Climate Action at the European Commission, will share insights on the European perspective, and Prof. Nate Hultman, formerly part of the climate and energy policy team of the Obama Administration, will review new avenues for enhanced environmental action in the U.S. Both will address outlooks for international leadership: Where lay the overall opportunities for direct bilateral cooperation between the U.S. and the EU, and for joint leadership in the context of raising climate ambitions globally? Which strategies can build long term durability and robustness to achieve ambitious global targets? How can the EU and U.S join forces in view of a successful outcome at COP26 later this year?