Baroncelli, E., & Irrera, D. Special Issue: The Triple Nexus and the Future of Multilateral Governance: Rethinking Coordination between Humanitarian, Development and Peacebuilding Efforts. The International Spectator, 59(3), 2024
Kmec, V. EU Missions and Peacebuilding: Building Peace through the Common Security and Defence Policy. Routledge, 2023.
Stollenwerk, E., Börzel, T. A., & Risse, T. (Eds.). From Democracy Promotion to Resilience-Building in the EU’s Neighbourhood: Preventing Violent Conflict and Governance Breakdown. Democratization, 28(7), 2021.
Haba, K. and Holland, M. (Eds.). Brexit and After: Perspectives on European Crises and Reconstruction from Asia and Europe, Springer, 2021.
Ikani, N. (Ed.) . Crisis and change in European Union foreign policy: A framework of EU foreign policy change. Manchester University Press, 2021.
Schmidt, J. The European Union and the Use of Force. Brill, 2020.
Belloni, R. The rise and fall of peacebuilding in the Balkans. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Poopuu, B. The European Union’s Brand of Peacebuilding: Acting is Everything. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Bergmann, J. The European Union as International Mediator: Brokering Stability and Peace in the Neighbourhood, Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Beringer, S. L., et al. EU Development Policies: Between Norms and Geopolitics, Cham, 2019.
EU Links
EEAS - Conflict Prevention, Peace building and Mediation
Information on the framework for action on conflict prevention, as well as an overview of the EU's peacebuilding and mediation efforts.
EEAS - Ongoing Missions and Operations
On this page the Council provides an overview of ongoing, future and completed CSDP operations, both military and civilian.
European Parliament - Mediation & Dialogue
Information on the role and activities of the European Parliament in defining the EU’s policy on conflict prevention and mediation.
Other Links
Center for International Development and Conflict Management
The website for Peace and Conflict, CIDCM's biennial publication providing key data and documenting trends in national and international conflicts.
European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO)
A platform of European NGOs, NGO networks and think tanks committed to peacebuilding and the prevention of violent conflict. The Office organises events and publishes newsletters and information - including job offers - concerning its member organisations.
Annually updated datasets covering issues such as organised violence and peacemaking around the globe.