Key Issues

Norms, Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law



Hoijtink, M., Mühlenhoff, H. L., & Welfens, N. (Eds.) Special Issue: Whose (In)Security? Gender, Race and Coloniality in European Security Policies, European Security, 32(3), 2023.

Magone, J. The Americanization of European Union Democracy Promotion: Ideology, Diversity, and United States Hegemony. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.

Louwerse, L. The EU’s Conceptualisation of the Rule of Law in its External Relations. Brill Nijhoff, 2023.

Youngs, R., & Ventura, E. European Democracy Support Annual Review 2022. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2023.

Khakee, A., & Wolff, S. (Eds.). Special Issue: Transversal Democracy Projection in the Mediterranean: A De-centred Practice. Mediterranean Politics, 27(4), 2022.

Fahey, E. & Mancini, I. (Eds.) Understanding the EU as a Good Global Actor: Ambitions, Values and Metrics. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.

Saltnes, J.D. The European Union and Global Development. A Rights-based Development Policy? Routledge, 2022.

Dandashly, A., & Noutcheva, G. (Eds.). Conceptualizing norm diffusion and norm contestation in the European neighbourhood. Democratization, 29(3), 2022.

Stollenwerk, E., Börzel, T. A., & Risse, T. (Eds.). Special Issue: From Democracy Promotion to Resilience-Building in the EU’s Neighbourhood: Preventing Violent Conflict and Governance Breakdown. Democratization, 28(7), 2021.

Thiel, M. The European Union’s International Promotion of LGBTI Rights. Promises and Pitfalls. Routledge, 2021.

Thomas D.C. (Ed,). The Limits of Europe: Membership Norms and the Contestation of Regional Integration. Oxford University Press, 2021.

Rabinovych, M. EU Regional Trade Agreements: An instrument of Promoting Rule of Law to Third States . Routledge, 2021. 

Muehlenhoff, H.L., Welfens, N.P., & van der Vleuten, A. (Eds.) ‘Special Issue: Slipping Off or Turning the Tide? Gender Equality in European Union’s External Relations in Times of Crisis’, Political Studies Review, 18(3), 2020.

Johansson-Nogués, E., Vlaskamp, M. C., & Barbé, E. (Eds.). European Union Contested: Foreign Policy in a New Global Context. Springer International Publishing, 2020.

Teti, A., Abbott, P., Talbot, V., & Maggiolini, P. (Eds.). Democratisation against Democracy: How EU Foreign Policy Fails the Middle East, Springer International Publishing, 2020.


EU Links

EEAS - Human rights & Democracy

EEAS page on the EU's human rights & democracy policy and promotion inside and outside its borders.

DG INTPA - EU efforts to combat impunity

Independent Study by DG INTPA: an observatory of the EU’s actions in support of the Global Fight Against Impunity.

European Parliament - Subcommittee on human rights (DROI)

Overview of the work - as well as meeting documents - of the Parliament's subcommittee dealing with human rights.


Other Links

Council of Europe

Homepage of the Council of Europe, the 47-member European regional organisation committed to the advancement of human rights. 


Democratization aims to promote a better understanding of democratization - defined as the way democratic norms, institutions and practices evolve and are disseminated both within and across national and cultural boundaries. 

European Court of Human Rights

Homepage of the European Court of Human Rights, the court of law for the Council of Europe.

European Partnership for Democracy (EPD)

EPD is a not-for-profit organisation aiming at contributing to and reinforcing the impact of European endeavours in democracy assistance across the world.