History / Brexit
Key Issues
External Policies
World Powers
Master's Programmes
History / Brexit
Key Issues
External Policies
World Powers
Master's Programmes
Mediterranean and Middle East
Khakee, A., & Wolff, S. (Eds.).
Transversal Democracy Projection in the Mediterranean: A De-Centred Practice Analysis.
Routledge, 2024.
Peters, J. & Pinfold, R. G. (Eds).
Routledge Handbook on Israel's Foreign Relations.
Routledge, 2024.
Marcuzzi, S.
The EU, NATO and the Libya Conflict.
Routledge, 2023.
Gazzotti, L., Mouthaan, M., & Natter, K. (Eds.).
Special Issue: Migration Governance Beyond ‘Fortress Europe’: Perspectives from the Middle East and Africa
Territory, Politics, Governance, 11
(4), 2023.
Khakee, A., & Wolff, S. (Eds.).
Special Issue: Transversal Democracy Projection in the Mediterranean: A De-centred Practice.
Mediterranean Politics
(4), 2022.
Bouris, D., Huber, D., & Pace, M. (Eds.),
Routledge Handbook of EU–Middle East Relations
Routledge, 2022.
Abdel Ghafar, A., & Colombo, S. (Eds.),
The European Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council: Towards a New Path.
Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
Stollenwerk, E., Börzel, T. A., & Risse, T. (Eds.).
From Democracy Promotion to Resilience-Building in the EU’s Neighbourhood: Preventing Violent Conflict and Governance Breakdown.
(7), 2021.
Marcuzzi, S.
The EU, NATO and the Libya Conflict: Anatomy of a Failure?
Routledge, 2021.
Huber, D.
The International Dimension of the Israel-Palestinian Conflict. A Post-Eurocentric Approach
. Suny Press, 2021.
Ikani, N. (Ed.) .
Crisis and change in European Union foreign policy: A framework of EU foreign policy change
Manchester University Press, 2021.
İpek, V.
North Africa, Colonialism and the EU.
Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Persson, A.
EU Diplomacy and the Israeli-Arab Conflict, 1967--2019
Edinburgh University Press, 2020.
Charrett, C.
The EU, Hamas and the 2006 Palestinian Elections: A performance in politics
Routledge Ltd, 2020.
Cusumano, E. & Hofmaier, S. (Eds.).
Projecting Resilience Across the Mediterranean
Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Grinin, L., Korotayev, A. & Tausch, A.
Islamism, Arab Spring, and the Future of Democracy: World System and World Values Perspective
. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Süsler, B.
Turkey, the EU and the Middle East: Foreign Policy Cooperation and the Arab Uprisings
. Routledge, 2020.
Pace, M. & Roccu, R.
Special issue: Imperial Pasts in the EU's Approach to the Mediterranean
International Journal of Postcolonial Studies
(6), 2020.
Siddi, M.
European Identities and Foreign Policy Discourses on Russia From the Ukraine to the Syrian Crisis
. Routledge Ltd, 2020.
Teti, A., Abbott, P., Talbot, V., & Maggiolini, P. (Eds.).
Democratisation against Democracy: How EU Foreign Policy Fails the Middle East
Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Zardo, F.
Joint Ownership in EU-Tunisia Relations
. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Beringer, S. L., et al.
EU Development Policies: Between Norms and Geopolitics
Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Koch, Ch.
EU policy in the Middle East: Unfulfilled aspirations
. In Akbarzadeh, S. (Ed.)
Routledge Handbook of International Relations in the Middle East (1st ed.).
Routledge, 2019.
Burlyuk, O., & Noutcheva, G. (Eds.).
Unintended Consequences of EU External Action
The International Spectator
(1), 1-15, 2019.
Çakmak, C. & Özçelik, A.
The World Community and the Arab Spring
Routledge Publishing Ltd, 2019.
Giusti, S. & Mirkina, I. (Eds.),
The EU in a Trans-European Space: External Relations across Europe, Asia and the Middle East
. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
Deiana, M-D., Komarova, M. & McCall, C.
Special issue: Cross-Border Cooperation as Conflict Transformation: Promises and Limitations in EU Peacebuilding
24(3), 2019.
Chaban, N., et al. (Eds).
Special issue: Perceptions and narratives of EU crisis democracy.
European Security,
28(3), 2019.
Dessi, A. and N. Vassilis,
Europe and Iran in a Fast-Changing Middle East
. Brussels,
Istituto Affari Internazionali Foundation for European Progressive Studies
, 2019.
Michalski, A. and Danielson, A.
Europe and Iran in a Fast-Changing Middle East
Foundation for European Progressive Studies
(FEPS), 2019.
Cebeci, M.
Deconstructing" ideal Power Europe": The EU and the Arab Change
. Lexington Books, 2018.
Alcaro, R.
Europe and Iran's Nuclear Crisis. Lead Groups and EU Foreign Policy-Making
Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
De Perini, P.
Intercultural Dialogue in EU Foreign Policy: The Case of the Mediterranean from the End of the Cold War to the Arab Uprisings
Routledge, 2017.
Roccu , R. and Voltolini, B. (Eds.)
The EU in the Mediterranean after the Arab Uprisings: Frames, Selective Engagement and the Security-Stability Nexus
London, Routledge, 2018.
Harders, C., et al. (2017).
Europe and the world: Rethinking Europe’s external relations in an age of global turmoil
International Politics
54(4): 434-452.
Roccu, R, & Voltolini, B.
Special issue: Framing and Reframing the EU’s Engagement with the Mediterranean
Mediterranean Politics,
23(1), 2018.
Ziadeh, A.
EU Foreign Policy and Hamas: Inconsistencies and Paradoxes
Routledge, 2017.
Nasr El-Din, A.
EU Security Missions and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Routledge, 2017.
Adebahr, C.
Europe and Iran. The Nuclear Deal and Beyond
Routledge, 2017.
Colombo, S.; Dessi, A.; Ntousas, V. (Eds.),
The EU resilience and the MENA Region
. Brussels
, Istituto Affari Internazionali Foundation for European Progressive Studies
, 2017.
Gillespie, R. and Volpi, F. (Eds.)
Routledge handbook of Mediterranean politics
. Routledge, 2017.
Ranj, A., et al.
The EU, resilience and the MENA-region
Youngs, R.
Twenty Years of Euro-Mediterranean Relations
Routledge, 2016.
Voltolini, B.
Lobbying in EU foreign policy-making: the case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
. Routledge, 2016.
Yıldız, A. G.
The European Union’s Immigration Policy: Managing Migration in Turkey and Morocco
Palgrave, 2016.
Horst, J., Jünemann A. & Rothe D. (Eds.).
Euro-Mediterranean Relations after the Arab Spring, Persistence in Times of Change
Routledge, 2016.
Börzel, Tanja A., Dandashly, Assem & Risse, T.,
Special Issue: Responses to the ‘Arabellions’: The EU in Comparative Perspective
Journal of European Integration
, 37(1), 2015.
Van Hüllen, V.
EU Democracy Promotion and the Arab Spring: International Cooperation and Authoritarianism.
Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
Del Sarto, Raffaella A. (Ed.)
Fragmented Borders, Interdependence and External Relations. The Israel-Palestine-European Union Triangle
Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
Pardo, S.,
Normative Power Europe Meets Israel
, Lexington Books, 2015
Kourtelis, C.
The Political Economy of Euro-Mediterranean Relations: European Neighbourhood Policy in North Africa
Palgrave McMillan, 2015.
Bouris, D.
The European Union and occupied Palestinian territories: state-building without a state
Routledge, 2014.
Taylan, Ö. K.
The Middle East Peace Process and the EU : Foreign Policy and Security Strategy in International Politics
I.B. Tauris, 2012.
Youngs, R.,
Europe in the New Middle East: Opportunity or Exclusion?
, Oxford University Press, 2014.
Horst, J. Jünemann, A. & Rothe, D. (eds.),
Euro-Mediterranean Relations after the Arab Spring, Persistence in Times of Change
Ashgate, 2013
Sadiki, L. (Ed.),
Routledge Handbook of the Arab Spring: Rethinking Democratization
Routledge, 2010.
Al-Fattal Eeckelaert, R.,
Transatlantic Trends of Democracy Promotion: Electoral Assistance in the Palestinian Territories
Ashgate , 2013.
Horst, J., Jünemann, A. & Rothe, D.,
Euro-Mediterranean Relations after the Arab Spring Persistence in Times of Change
Ashgate, 2013.
Jonasson, A.,
The EU’s Democracy Promotion and the Mediterranean Neighbours. Orientation, Ownership and Dialogue in Jordan and Turkey
Abingdon, Routledge, 2013.
Knio, K.,
The European Union's Mediterranean Policy: Model or Muddle?
, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
Bauer. P.,
Special issue Arab Spring Challenges for Democracy and Security in the Mediterranean
Democracy and Security
, 9(1-2), 2013.
Rubin, B. (Ed.),
Islamic Political and Social Movements
, Routledge, 2013.
Barbé, E. & Herranz-Surrallés, A. (Eds.),
The Challenge of Differentiation in Euro-Mediterranean Relations. Flexible Regional Cooperation or Fragmentation
, Routledge, 2012.
Wassenberg, B., Faleg, G. (Eds.),
Europe and the Middle East: The Hour of the EU?
Peter Lang, 2012.
Wolff, S.
The Mediterranean Dimension of the European Union's Internal Security
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Mavelli, L.,
Europe's Encounter with Islam The Secular and the Postsecular
Abingdon, Routledge, 2012.
Maresceau, M. & E. Lannon (Eds.),
The EU's Enlargement and Mediterranean Strategies: A Comparative Analysis
, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2001.
Peters, J. (Ed.),
Europe and the Arab Spring: Promoting Democracy and Human Rights in the Middle East
, Lexington, 2012.
Müller, P.,
EU Foreign Policymaking and the Middle East Conflict: The Europeanization of National Foreign Policy
Routledge, 2011.
Barbé, E. & Surrallés, A.H. (eds.),
Special Issue: Region-Building Dynamics in the Euro-Mediterranean Space
Mediterranean Politics
, 15(2), 2010.
Pardo, S.,
Israel and the European Union A Documentary History
Lexington Books, 2012.
Bicchi, F. & R. Gillespie,
Special Issue - The Union for the Mediterranean: Continuity or Change in Euro-Mediterranean Relations?
Mediterranean Politics
, 16(1), 2010.
Calleya, S.
Security Challenges in the Euro-Med Area in the 21st Century
Routledge, 2010.
Casa Arabe & CIDOB,
The European Union and the Arab World: What do Arabs Think of and Expect from Europe?
, Barcelona, CIDOB, 2010.
Mauer, V. & Möckli, D. (eds.),
European-American Relations and the Middle East: From Suez to Iraq
Routledge, 2010.
Ismael, T. & Rippen, A. (Eds.),
Islam in the Eyes of the West: Images and Realities in an Age of Terror
Routledge, 2010.
Musu, C.,
European Union Policy Towards The Arab-Israeli Peace Process: The Quicksands of Politics
Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Pace, M. & Seeberg, P. (Eds.),
The European Union’s Democratization Agenda in the Mediterranean
Routledge, 2010.
Talani, L.S.,
From Egypt to Europe: globalisation and migration across the Mediterranean
I.B.Tauris, 2010.
Pardo S. & J. Peters J.,
Uneasy Neighbors: Israel and the European Union
. Lanham, Lexington, 2010.
Cavatorta, F. & Durac, V. (Eds.),
The Foreign Policies of the European Union and the United States in North Africa: Diverging or Converging Dynamics
Routledge, 2009.
Emerson, M. Kausch, K. & Youngs, R. (Eds.),
Islamist Radicalisation: The Challenge for Euro-Mediterranean Relations
, CEPS Paperbacks, 2009.
Comelli, M., A. Eralp & C. Ustun (Eds.),
The European Neighbourhood Policy and the Southern Mediterranean
Ankara, METU Press, 2009.
Mousavian, S. H.,
Iran-Europe Relations. Challenges and Opportunities
London, Routledge, 2008.
Pace, M. & Schumacher, T. (Eds.),
Conceptualising Cultural and Social Dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: A European Perspective
London, Routledge, 2007.
Bicchi, F.,
European Foreign Policy Making Toward the Mediterranean
Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Emerson, M. & Youngs, R. (Eds.),
Political Islam and European Foreign Policy
, Brussels, Centre for European Policy Studies, 2007.
Youngs, R.,
Europe and the Middle East: In the Shadow of September 11
Boulder, Lynne Rienner, 2006.
Fernandez, H. A. & Youngs, R. (Eds.),
The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Assessing the First Decade
FRIDE, Real Instituto Elcano, 2005.
Pace, M.,
The Politics of Regional Identity: Meddling with the Mediterranean
, Routledge, 2005.
Biscop, S.,
Euro-Mediterranean Security: A Search For Partnership
Ashgate, 2003.
Gomez, R.,
Negotiating the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Strategic Action in EU Foreign Policy
Ashgate, 2003.