


Falkner, G., Heidebrecht, S., Obendiek, A., & Seidl, T. Special Issue: Digital Sovereignty - Rhetoric and Reality, Journal of European Public Policy, 31(8), 2024.

Leal-Arcas, L. EU Trade Law. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024.

Biba, S. (Ed.). Europe in an Era of US-China Strategic Rivalry: Challenges and Opportunities from an Outside-in Perspective. Springer, 2024.

De Bièvre, D., Dür, A., & Hamilton, S. Special Issue: Reacting to the Politicization of Trade Policy. Journal of European Public Policy, 31(4), 2024.

Marx, A. (Ed.). Special Issue: EU Trade Policy: Challenges to its Strategic Autonomy. Global Policy, 14(3), 2023.

Adriaensen, J. & Postnikov, E. A Geo-Economic Turn in Trade Policy? EU Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific. Springer, 2022.

Hooijmaaijers, B. Unpacking EU Policy-Making Towards China: How Member States, Bureaucracies, and Institutions Shape Its China Economic Policy. Springer Nature, 2021.

Yu, X., Tettamanti, M. & Rizzi, C. China-US Trade Frictions Shaping New Equilibriums with the EU and the US : Towards a New Multilateralism or Tripolarism. World Scientific, 2021.

Rabinovych, M. EU Regional Trade Agreements: An instrument of Promoting Rule of Law to Third States (1st ed). Routledge, 2021. 

Smith, A., Harrison, J., Campling, L., Richardson, B., & Barbu, M. Free Trade Agreements and Global Labour Governance: The European Union’s Trade-Labour Linkage in a Value Chain World. Routledge, 2020. 

Hahn, M. & Van der Loo, G., (Eds.). Law and Practice of the Common Commercial Policy: The first 10 years after the Treaty of Lisbon. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Nijhoff, 2020. 

Postnikov, E. Social Standards in EU and US Trade Agreements. Milton: Taylor and Francis, 2020. 

Cremona, M. , Thies, A. & Wessels, R. The European Union and International Dispute Settlement. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020.

De Bièvre, D., Garcia-Duran, P., Eliasson, L, H. & Costa, O. Special issue: Politicization of EU Trade Policy across Time and Space. Politics and Governance, 8(1), 2020.

W. Weiß & C. Furculita (Eds.), Global Politics and EU Trade Policy: Facing the Challenges to a Multilateral Approach. Springer International Publishing, 2020.

Murray-Evens, P. Power in North-South Trade Negotiations Making the European Union's Economic Partnership Agreements. Routledge, 2019.

Meissner, K. Commercial Realism and EU Trade Policy. Routledge, 2018.

Kende, M. The Trade Policy Review Mechanism: A Critical Analysis, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018.    

Khorana, S., Garcia M. & Orbie, J. Handbook on European Union Trade Policy. Edward Elgar, 2018.

Laursen, F., & Roederer-Rynning, C. Special issue: Writing the Rules of 21st Century Trade: The EU and the New Trade BilateralismJournal of European Integration 39(7), 2017.

Delreux, T. & Adriaensen, J. The Principal Agent Model and the European Union. Palgrave. 2017

Gstöhl, S. & De Bièvre, D. The Trade Policy of the European Union. Palgrave MacMillan, 2017.

Adriaensen, J. National Administrations in EU trade policy: maintaining the capacity to control. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2016.

Oloruntoba, S. O. Regionalism and integration in Africa: EU-ACP economic partnership agreements and Euro-Nigeria relations. Springer, 2016.

Van der Loo, G. The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area: A New Legal Instrument for EU Integration Without Membership. Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2016.

Young, A. R. (Ed.) The European Union as a Global Regulator?. Routledge, 2016.

De Ville, F. & Siles-Brügge, G. TTIP: The Truth about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Polity, 2016.

Ryner, M. & Cafruny, A. The European Union and Global Capitalism: Origins, Development, Crisis. Palgrave. 2016

Eckhardt, J. Business Lobbying and Trade Governance: The Case of EU-China Relations. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2015.

Morin, J.F., The Politics of Transatlantic Trade Negotiations TTIP in a Globalized World, Ashgate, 2015.

Carbone, M., & Orbie, J. (Eds.). The Trade-Development Nexus in the European Union: Differentiation, Coherence and Norms. Routledge: London, 2014.

Young, A.R. & Peterson, J., Parochial Global Europe: 21st Century Trade Politics, Croydon, OUP 2014

Siles-Brügge, G., Constructing European Union Trade Policy. A Global Idea of Europe, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

Van den Putte, L., et al. The European parliament's new role in trade policy: turning power into impact. CEPS Special Reports (89), 2014.

Dür, A. & Elsig, M. (Eds.), The European Union's Foreign Economic Policies. A Principal-Agent Perspective, Abingdon, Routledge, 2013.

Hornsby, D.J., Risk Regulation, Science, and Interests in Transatlantic Trade Conflicts, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Orbie, J. & Kerremans, B. (Eds.), Special Issue: Theorizing European Union Trade Politics: Contending or Complementary Paradigms?, Journal of Contemporary European Research, 9(4), 2013.

Woolcock, S., European Union Economic Diplomacy. The Role of the EU in External Economic Relations, Hampshire, Ashgate, 2012.

Da Conceição-Heldt, E., Negotiating Trade Liberalization at the WTO, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

Dür, A. & E. Manfred (Eds.), The European Union's Foreign Economic Policies, London, Routledge, 2011.

Poletti, A., The European Union and Multilateral Trade Governance: The politics of the Doha Round, London, Routledge, 2011.

Dür, A. & Elsig, M. Special Issue: The EU's foreign economic policies: a principal–agent perspective, Journal of European Public Policy, 18(3), 2011.

Nello, S. S. & P. Pierani (Eds.), International Trade, Consumer Interests and Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, London, Routledge, 2010.

Jacoby, W. & Meunier, S. (Eds.), Europe and the Management of Globalization, London, Routledge, 2010.

Khorana, S. et al., Bilateral Trade Agreements in the Era of Globalization: The EU and India in Search of a Partnership, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010.

Laursen, F., The EU in the Global Political Economy, Brussels, Peter Lang, 2009.

Durão Barroso, J. M. Special Issue: Regionalism and Regional Trade Agreements in Europe – Asia trade relations, 7(1), 2009.

Skogstad, G. & A. Verdun (Eds.), The Common Agricultural Policy: Policy Dynamics in a Changing Context, London, Routledge, 2009.

Orbie, J. & L. Tortell (Eds.), The EU's Role in the World and the Social Dimension of Globalization, London, Routledge, 2008.

Dür, A. & H. Zimmermann, Special Issue: The EU in International Trade NegotiationsJournal of Common Market Studies, 45(4), 2007.

Faber, G.,& J. Orbie (Eds.), European Union Trade Politics and Development: 'Everything But Arms' Unravelled, London, Routledge, 2007.

Govaere, I. & H. Ullrich, Intellectual Property, Public Policy and International Trade, P.I.E. - Peter Lang, Brussels, 2007.

Meunier, S., Trading voices: the European Union in International Commercial Negotiations, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2005.

Aggarwal, V. K. & E. A. Fogarty (Eds.), EU Trade Strategies: Between Regionalism and Globalism, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Elsig, M., The EU’s Common Commercial Policy: Institutions, interests and ideas, Hampshire, Ashgate, 2002.