Ewers-Peters N. M. Understanding EU-NATO Cooperation: How Member-States Matter. Routledge, 2023.
Orenstein, M. A. The European Union’s transformation after Russia’s attack on Ukraine, Journal of European Integration, 45(3), 2023.
Marcuzzi, S. The EU, NATO and the Libya Conflict: Anatomy of a Failure?. Routledge, 2022.
Ramírez, J. M. and Biziewski, J. (Eds.) Security and Defence in Europe, Springer, 2020.
Zyla, B. The EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and NATO After Brexit. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Karlsrud, J., & Reykers, Y. (Eds.). Multinational rapid response mechanisms: From institutional proliferation to institutional exploitation. Routledge, 2019.
Lindstrom, G. & Tardy, T. (Eds.) The EU and NATO: The Essentials, European Institute for Security Studies, 2019.
Ostermann, F. Security, defense discourse and identity in NATO and Europe: How France changed foreign policy. Routledge, 2018.
EU Links
Factsheet with basic information on the cooperation between the European Union and NATO.
The Berlin Plus agreement refers to a comprehensive package of arrangements finalised in early 2003 between the EU and the NATO that allows the EU to make use of NATO assets and capabilities for EU-led crisis management operations.
European Parliament’s Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (DNAT)
The EU and NATO have a long-standing partnership and engage frequently in active dialogue in order to deepen mutual understanding and consolidate cooperation.
Other Links
NATO - Documents and publications
NATO's e-Library containing archives of all agreements and texts adopted by the organization, as well as links to multimedia resources and the NATO bookshop.
From the official website of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, an overview and documents concerning the strategic partnership between the EU and NATO.
NATO - Library
NATO Library is a specialised research library that serves NATO Staff, delegations, missions and external researchers.
NATO - Parliamentary Assembly
Reports and policy recommendations of NATO's Parliamentary Assembly, representing members' views on the key issues on the Alliance's agenda.