
Asia and Pacific



Stoicheva, M., Sreejith, S. G., & Gupta, I. (Eds.). Relevance of European Studies in Asia. Springer, 2023.

Biba, S. (Ed.). Europe in an Era of US-China Strategic Rivalry: Challenges and Opportunities from an Outside-in Perspective. Springer, 2024.

Novotná, T., Christiansen, T., & Lee, M. Special Issue: 60 Years of EU-South Korea Relations: Collaborative Dynamics in a Challenging Global Environment, Asia Europe Journal, 21(4), 2023.

Khan, K. H., & Mihr, A. Europe-Central Asia Relations: New Connectivity Frameworks. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.

Novotná, T., Christiansen, T. & Lee, M. (Eds.) Special Issue: '60 Years of EU-South Korea Relations: Collaborative Dynamics in a Challenging Global Environment', Asia Europe Journal, 21(4), 2023.

Song, W., & Wang, J. (Eds.) The European Union in the Asia-Pacific: Rethinking Europe’s Strategies and Policies. Manchester University Press, 2022.

Zhang, L. Special Issue: Bridging the Communication Gap in EU-China Relations: Policy, Media and Public Opinion, Asia Europe Journal, 20(4), 2022.

Boulet, G., Reiterer, M., Pacheco Pardo, R. (Eds.). Cybersecurity Policy in the EU and South Korea from Consultation to Action. Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives. Palgrave, 2022.

Casarini, N., & Iglesias, M. O. Special Issue: The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: Perspectives from the European Union, China, and the United States. Asia Europe Journal, 20(1), 2022.

Adriaensen, J. & Postnikov, E. A Geo-Economic Turn in Trade Policy? EU Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific. Springer, 2022.

Casarini, N., Fiori, A., Kim, N.-K., Lee, J.-S., & Pacheco Pardo, R. The Routledge Handbook of Europe-Korea Relations. Routledge, 2022.

Tercovich, G. Assessing EU Leadership in Inter-regional Relations: The Case of the Institutionalisation of ASEAN Disaster Management. Routledge, 2022.

Scheler, R. The EU in Southeast Asian Security: The Role of External Perceptions. Routledge, 2021.

Azhgaliyeva, D. Special Issue: Economic and Strategic Impacts of Energy Supply and Transport Infrastructure Connecting Asia and Europe. Asia Europe Journal, 19(1), 2021

Ogawa, E., Raube, K., Vanoverbeke, D., Wouters, J., Van der Vorst, C. (Eds.). Japan, the European Union and Global Governance, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021.

Mishra, R., Hashim, A., & Milner, A. (Eds.). Asia and Europe in the 21st Century: New Anxieties, New Opportunities. Routledge, 2021.

Christiansen, T., Kirchner, E, and Tan, S.S. (Eds.) The European Union’s Security Relations with Asian Partners, Springer, 2021.

Casarini, N. EU–Korea Security Relations, Routledge, 2021.

Gilson, J. EU–Japan Relations and the Crisis of Multilateralism. Routledge, 2020.

Wu, C-H., & Gaenssmantel, F. (Eds.). Law and Diplomacy in the Management of EU-Asia Trade and Investment Relations, Routledge, 2019.


EU Links


Information on the EU's relations with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN).

EEAS - Asia

News and information on EU-Asia relations provided by the EEAS.

EEAS - Central Asia

Europe's relations with the energy-strategic region of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) are based on the 2007 EU and Central Asia Strategy.

Library guide on EU relations with Japan

A guide to resources on EU-Japan relations compiled by the Council Library.

Think Tank European Parliament

This page provides access to all publications by the Think Tank of the European Parliament related to a specific region.


Other Links

Asia Europe Journal

A quarterly journal dedicated to publishing quality academic papers and policy discussions on common challenges facing Asia and Europe that help to shape narratives on the common futures – including both risks and opportunities – of Asia and Europe. 

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Homepage of the secretariat of the ASEAN, providing information and official documents relating to the work of the regional organisation comprising 10 states of Southeast Asia.

East European Politics

Journal which publishes articles in the government, politics and international relations of the post-communist space. In geographical terms, EEP covers the entire post-communist region, including East Central and South Eastern Europe, Russia and all the other countries of the former Soviet Union.