Rabinovych, M., & Pintsch, A. Ukraine’s Thorny Path to the EU: From “Integration without Membership” to “Integration through War”. Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
Mayer, S., & Lempp, J. (Eds.). The EU as an Actor in Central Asia. Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
Nicoli, F., & Zeitlin, J. (Eds.). Special Issue: Escaping the Politics Trap? EU Integration Pathways Beyond the Polycrisis. Journal of European Public Policy, 31(10), 2024.
Wiesner, C., & Knodt, M. (Eds.). The War Against Ukraine and the EU: Facing New Realities. Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
Kaunert, C., Bosse, G., & Vieira, A. Special Issue: Resilient states versus resilient societies? Whose security does the EU protect through the Eastern Partnership? Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31(4), 2024.
Youngs, R. Geoliberal Europe and the Test of War. Agenda Publishing, 2024.
Khan, K. H., & Mihr, A. Europe-Central Asia Relations: New Connectivity Frameworks. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
Orenstein, M. (Ed). Transformation of Europe after Russia’s Attack on Ukraine. Journal of European Integration, 45(3), 2023.
Welfens, P. J. J. Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: Economic Challenges, Embargo Issues and a New Global Economic Order. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
Lonardo, L. Russia's 2022 War Against Ukraine and the Foreign Policy Reaction of the EU: Context, Diplomacy, and Law. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
de Deugd, N., & Hoen, H. W. The EU and its Relations with Eastern Europe: Mutual Animosity, Unattainable Friendship and Faraway Neighbours. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.
Stollenwerk, E., Börzel, T. A., & Risse, T. (Eds.). From Democracy Promotion to Resilience-Building in the EU’s Neighbourhood: Preventing Violent Conflict and Governance Breakdown. Democratization, 28(7), 2021.
Ikani, N. (Ed.). Crisis and change in European Union foreign policy: A framework of EU foreign policy change. Manchester University Press, 2021.
Greiçevci, L. The EU as a State-builder in International Affairs:
The Case of Kosovo. Routledge, 2021.
Mannin, M., & Flenley, P. (Eds.). The European Union and its Eastern Neighbourhood. Manchester University Press, 2020.
Fawn, R. Managing Security Threats Along the EU’s Eastern Flanks. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Song, W. (Ed.) China's Relations with Central and Eastern Europe. From "Old Comrades" to New Partners, Routledge, 2019.
Bergmann, J. The European Union as International Mediator: Brokering Stability and Peace in the Neighbourhood, Springer, 2019.
Beringer, S. L., et al. EU Development Policies: Between Norms and Geopolitics, Cham, 2019.
EU Links
On this page you can find all relevant information about the Eastern Partnership, including the latest news, the summit documents, the status of the bilateral and multilateral cooperation and deliverables for the future. Moreover, for each country of the Eastern partnership, you can access a link with an overview of the EU-relations with this country.
Information and news concerning Home Affairs - and in particular the key area of mobility - in relation to the countries of the Eastern Partnership.
European Parliament - Eastern Partnership post-2020 agenda
An in-depth analysis by the European Parliamentary Research Service about the Eastern Partnership post-2020 agenda. The analysis includes sections on the EU and partner countries position, the key milestones for, and prospects of the Eastern Partnership.
European Council: Think Tank reports on Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine
Library blog providing a list of think tank reports on Russia’s war against Ukraine.
A guide to resources on Ukraine compiled by the Council Library.
Think Tank European Parliament
This page provides access to all publications by the Think Tank of the European Parliament related to a specific region.
Other Links
Central European Journal of International and Security Studies
CEJISS is a Prague based, peer-reviewed journal focussing on 5 main issues: international, European and regional security; political theory related to international or European relations/security; international and european political economy; international, European and regional organizations; area studies related to international or European relations/security.
Journal which publishes articles in the government, politics and international relations of the post-communist space. In geographical terms, EEP covers the entire post-communist region, including East Central and South Eastern Europe, Russia and all the other countries of the former Soviet Union.
European Stability Initiative (ESI)
Europe's think tank for South East Europe and enlargement: films and reports on the Balkans, Turkey, Central Europe and the South Caucasus.