
Latin America



Jarrín, M. T., & Riordan, S. Science Diplomacy, Cyberdiplomacy and Techplomacy in EU-LAC Relations. Springer, 2023.

Gomez Arana, A., & García, M. J. (Eds.) Latin America-European Union Relations in the Twenty-first Century. Manchester University Press, 2022.

Heyl, C., & Llanos, M. (Eds.). Special issue: Contested, violated but persistent: presidential term limits in Latin America and sub-saharan Africa. Democratization, 29(1), 2022.

Nolte, D., & Weiffen, B. (Eds.). Regionalism Under Stress: Europe and Latin America in Comparative Perspective. Routledge, 2020.

Schade, D. Part II: Complex EU negotiations in the Latin American region. In Schade, D (Ed.), The EU in Association Negotiations: Challenges to complex policy coordination. Routledge, 2019. 

Müller, G. G., et al. The EU-Latin American Strategic Partnership: state of play and ways forward. Brussels, European Parliament Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies, 2017.

Dominguez, R., EU Foreign Policy Towards Latin America, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.

Holland, M. & M. Doidge, The Development Policy of the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.


EU Links

EEAS - EU relations with Latin America and the Caribbean

News and information concerning the relations between Europe and Latin America, including links to specific areas of cooperation such as trade, migration and the fight against drugs.

European Commission - EU-Mercosur agreement

Information about the EU-Mercosur agreement, with links to the agreement, relevant factsheets and guides, information for businesses, and the latest news.

European Parliament - Factsheet on Latin America and the Caribbean

European Parliament factsheet with information on the legal basis, the region-to-region relations, the relations with sub-regions and the relations with individual countries.

Think Tank European Parliament

This page provides access to all publications by the Think Tank of the European Parliament related to a specific region.


Other Links

Andean Community Portal

Homepage of the Andean Community, the trade group comprising of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

Mercosur - Homepage

Homepage of the trade bloc Mercosur, providing information and links about the activities and agreements of the group. 


Latinobarómetro is an annual public opinion survey conducted in 18 Latin American countries.

Library guide on EU relations with Latin America and the Caribbean

To help readers expand their knowledge and better understand EU-CELAC relations, the Council Library has compiled a library guide of relevant and authoritative resources.