Member States

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Lisbon Treaty - Areas of EU Competence

Brief overview of the division of competences between the EU and the member states - shared, exclusive etc - following the Lisbon Treaty.

Assemblée Nationale - Commission des affaires européennes

Information on the committee and its work as well as reports on its examination of European texts and its proposals for resolutions.

German Bundestag - Committee on European Union Affairs

Influential Committee ensuring that the Bundestag is able to contribute to decisions taken in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg. It discusses fundamental issues relating to European integration as well as cooperation with the European Parliament and the national parliaments of the Member States. Most information is in German.

EU Policy Intentions Mapping

The Policy Intentions Mapping examines the preferred policy outcomes of the EU’s 27 national governments across 20 policy areas. These match the policy areas under examination in the EU Coalition Explorer and the EU27 Survey 2020. The Mapping provides contextual information about whether specific policies are controversial among the general public in different member states and whether political parties agree, or not, on the preferred outcome.